Eisner & Mendelson Co. Carlsbad Mineral Water.
Johann Hoff's Malt
Extract. |
Michigan College of Medicine and Surgery. Sharp
& Dohme pills. |
S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co. Electrical Specialties. |
John Carle & Sons Imperial Granum - the Great
Medicinal Food. |
Announcements to AMA by Parke, Davis & Co.
Manufacturing Pharmacists |
Parke, Davis Digestive Ferments |
Parke, Davis Cascara Sagrada; Glycerin Suppositories |
Parke, Davis Gelatin Products |
Substitution by Druggists of
Medicines Prescribed, from
the Virginia Medical Monthly |
Dr. Laville's Liqueur. Aubergier's
Syrup of Lactucarium.
Tamar Indien Grillon |
Liebig "Company's" Extract of Meat. Medico-Chirugical
College of Philadelphia.
Southern Medical College, National Medical College, Tulate University
Medical |
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Maryland.
University of Michigan.
Dartmouth. Medical School and Hospital of Chicago. University of
Georgetown. |
Chicago Medical College. Boston Journal of Health.
Principles and Practices
of Medicine. Women's Medical College of the N. Y. Infirmary. Columbus
College. Kentucky School of Medicine. St. Louis Medical College. |
Table of Contents. Executive
Committee. Physicians', Dentist's
& Druggists' Insurance Association. |
McIntosh Battery. Dr. McIntosh
Uterine Supporter Co. Peacock's
Bromides Nerve Sedative. |
Fairchild Bros. & Foster -
Fairchild's Pepsin |