Page 3 (the beginning):
New England Historical and Genealogical Register, January 1909, Volume 63, page 43
Scan of an old reprint (probably 1909). The cover is page 1, back of cover 2, etc.
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1. Thomas1 Lillibridge, the founder of the Lillibridge family in the United States, was born in England in 1662. His name first appears in this country attached to a petition, dated Newport, Sept. 26, 1699, to the Earl of Bellomont, to use his influence with "his Majesty" William III, for the establishment of an Episcopal church at Newport (S. G. Arnold, History of R. I., vol. 1, p. 599). This was Trinity Church, in which Thomas Lillibridge was a warden till 1713, and where he owned pew 8 till 1719. He was admitted a freeman at Newport, May 6, 1701, and is mentioned as a vestryman in Narragansett church, 1718. He settled in old Westerly (now Richmond) in 1720, where he died Aug. 29, 1724. Besides personal estate inventories at £1160, 18s., and two slaves, he left by his will 1724, two houses in Newport, land in the "Narragansett country," and old Westerly, besides other "unsettled lands"; also a maintenance to his brother Edward, "if he shall come into this country"; and a bequest "unto John my brother’s son"—perhaps he who married Mary Joslin in South Kinston, Mar. 29, 1730. Many of the records in Newport being destroyed by the British during the Revolution, the records in Newport being destroyed by the British during the Revolution, the records of Thomas Lillibridge’s Newport life are meager, but indicate that he married first Mary, daughter of Henry and Mary Hobson (Austin, Genealogical Dictionary of R. I., additions and corrections concluded, under Hobson); and secondly Sarah Lewis, who died Jan. 22, 1760, aged 85, her name being signed as his wife, with his, to a deed of Newport land, July 5, 1706.
7. Robert3 Lillibridge (Robert2, Thomas1)Page 6:
8. David3 Lillibridge (Benjamin2, Thomas1)
9. Jonathan3 Lillibridge (Benjamin2, Thomas1)Page 7:
10. Benjamin3 Lillibridge (Benjamin2, Thomas1)
11. Gardiner3 Lillibridge (Benjamin2, Thomas1)
12. Joseph4 Lillibridge (Thomas3, Thomas2, Thomas1) married Rachel Stephens, who was born Nov. 5, 1760.Children:
i. Warren5, b. Apr. 18, 1785; had Charles6; and Henry C., b. Zanesville, O., Oct. 6, 1835, who had four sons and two daus.
ii. Elizabeth (Betsey), b. Jan. 2, 1787; m. Eleazar Mulford of Chemung co., N. Y.
iii. Buel, b. Mar. 12, 1789; d. unmarried.
iv. Mary (Polly), b. Mar. 10, 1791; m. William Merritt; lived near Nelsonville, N. Y.
v. Joseph, b. Mar. 4, 1793; d. Apr., 1831; m. (1) his cousin Zipporah Stephens; m. (2) Anna Maria Mansfield. Children by first wife: 1. Willard Stephens6, who had Mahala and Olive. 2. Stephen Lee. 3. Jerome Bonaparte, who had Willard. 4. Jane Smith, m. – Crouse; lived in Upper Sandusky, O.; had Willard. Children by second wife: 5. Zipporah Maria, m. (1) T. M. Reese, and had Roland B., Joseph L., and Franklin B.; m. (2) H. P. Woods, and had Dora, Belle, Mira Bowers, Virginia, Charles and Jennie. 6. Elvira Vanlorn, m. – Smith; no children. 7. Elmira Vanora (twin), m. in 1849, Rev. J. W. Kidd of Ferris, Ill.; seven children. 8. Joseph Thomas Wilkinson, physician at Forest, O.; had Emma Violet, who ma. – Reese, and d., and Luella, who m. – Smith, and d.
vi. Erastus, b. Mar. 16, 1795; m. Clarissa Campbell; had Harriet6, who m. – Rowley, William, and Horace, both of whom d. unmarried (?).
vii. Jacob, b. Jan. 10, 1797; no children.
viii. John, b. May 15, 1799; m. Mary Bentley; had 1. Nancy M.6, b. Apr., 1820; m. (1) E. D. Stockton of N. Y.; m. (2) Thomas J. Mills of Hartford City, Ind. 2. Thomas, b. June 15, 1823; m. Elizabeth Mills, Mar. 31, 1846; had Thomas J., James B., a dau. Who m. Wm. Clapper, Meda, who m. Samuel Gettys, a dau. In Leadville, Col., a dau. Who m. R. F. Vantilberg, and a dual Muroel, who d. unmarried. 3. A dau., b. Sept. 5, 1830.
ix. Sarah, b. Mar. 23, 1801; m. Thomas Harris; had Warren, who had William.
15. Clark4 Lillibridge (David3, Benjamin2, Thomas1)Page 9:
16. Amos4 Lillibridge (David3, Benjamin2, Thomas1)
In the text it is apparent that there are no sketches of the
building. There is a lengthy discussion about when it was built (about
1700 - give or take a year), etc. On page 6 "We know the old church had
thirty-five pews, in addition to eight in the gallery."
The scan is from page 9 showing a "Suggested Plan" of the church. The
fact that names were entered is the reason for including this.
is written in number 8 at the top right. The text following this is:
"In Figure I is a conjectural restoration of the plan of the original Trinity Church. This drawing assumes a resemblance to the St. Paul's Narragansett and to King's Chapel, both of which have a curious likeness to St. Mildred's, Bread Street, London, built in 1681, said to be the least altered of [Sir Christopher] Wren's City Churches."
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