Newport, Rhode Island, 1917 Directory

NOTE: These scans are provided by me, Susan White Pieroth, for your personal genealogy and history research. You may not copy them to another website (links are fine) or publish them in a book or on a CD for distribution of any kind. If you think I might make an exception, please contact me. I do not sell prints or images on a CD. Text and images copyrighted 2018-2020 by Susan Carter White Pieroth.

The images can be viewed in three sizes, either individually or as a slide show. They have been divided into two sections to make the thumbnail page more manageable. Use the Index images below to find specific sections, other than the general directory listings.

Part One of the Directory contains the cover to page 255 (McPherson). Page 63 is numbered 63-79.
The images you save will have the correct page numbers, not the number at the top of each image page.

Part Two of the Directory contains from page 256 (Macphie) to the end. There are no pages 
464-527 or pages 543-558. The images you save will have the page correct numbers, not the number at the top of each image page.

Click images to enlarge

The text and images on this page may by saved for personal research, but may not be published in any form, including on another web site (links are allowed without permission), without specific permission. Text and images copyrighted 2018-2020 by Susan Carter White Pieroth
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