William H. BOYD, Compiler and Publisher, 229 Broadway, New York.
The Publisher, in issuing the present book, would say that he has long contemplated the consummation of this undertaking, and feels flattered that the opportunity of publishing the first Newport Directory has been embraced by him. Newport, of late years, has become an important and fashionable watering-place, both for invalids and those seeking retirement from the busy scenes of the world. The many strangers sojourning here for the season, and the city itself having grown so rapidly, has created the necessity for the present work, which the publisher feels confident will supply a want long felt by the business men of the place, and be a source of convenience to visitors.
Few are aware of the labor necessary to compile a Directory, especially a first one, where there is no data to work from, but all the information must be obtained from actual canvass from door to door; and here, too, a great difficulty is frequently found in eliciting from servants correct answers, through fear of giving information that will prove detrimental to their employers. But the Publisher is pleased to say that he believes he has as complete a return as could be collected at this season of the year, and under the circumstances, taking into consideration that many of the citizens have given up their own houses to strangers, and board for the season. From this cause, no doubt, duplicates will be found; for at the business place of a merchant he naturally gives his permanent abode, while the canvasser finds his family at some temporary place.
In addition to the names of the citizens will be found a Business Directory of all persons in business on their own account, carefully arranged under appropriate headings; also, a list of city officers, banks, charitable and benevolent institutions, churches, societies and associations. For any errors or omissions in the work the Publisher would claim the indulgence of a generous public, and would tender his thanks to the merchants and citizens generally for their cooperation and liberal patronage and encouragement, but more especially would be mention Rev. Dr. Henry Jackson, for his personal friendship and assistance; also Rev. Dr. Dumont, Rev. S. Adlam, Col. Wm. H. Cranston, Mr. N. H. Gould, Mr. Albert Hammett and Mr. A. J. Ward, for their many kindnesses and courtesy; and he promises the public that in his next issue he will give much valuable and statistical information which could not be prepared for the present edition.
He also contemplates giving engravings of prominent building, private mansions, &c., from time to time, thereby making his Directory worthy of being preserved, to show posterity what their ancestors have done. He will be thankful for any historical information for his future issues; and as this contains Rev. Mr. John Callender’s Centenary Discourse, being the only recognized history for the first century of Rhode Island, he hopes to be able to follow up his historical articles, thereby adding value to his Directory as a standard work, and worthy of a niche in the family library and a place on the table. Respectfully, WM. H. BOYD.
New York, Aug. 12, 1856.
John C. Braman, Philip Stevens, John C. Ailman, Benjamin Freeborn,
John G. Weaver.
Clerk of Common Council--Benjamin Marsh, 2d
Treasurer--George Freeborn
City Sergeant--Charles Cozzens
City Marshall--Robert Seatle
Overseer of the Poor--Sylvester R. Hazard
Inspector of Nuisances--Sylvester R. Hazard
Collector of Taxes--William H. Barker
Judge of Probate--George W. Taylor
City Solicitor--Charles C. Van Zandt
Assessors of Taxes--James G. Topham, George W.
Taylor, Moses
Clark Burdick, Seth
W. Macy
Committee of the School Fund--Henry Castoff, John D.
George W. Taylor
Commissioners of Newport Asylum--George A.
Armstrong, Job A.
Peckham, Nathan H. Gould,
Benjamin Freeborn,
Samuel Stearn, Samuel
S. Peckham, Henry O. Tifft, Ira French,
Benjamin Marsh 2d
Keeper of Asylum--James Simmons
Harbor Master--Anthony Stewart
Keeper of Jews’ Synagogue--Wm. C. Thurston
City Crier--Thomas Cutter
Auctioneers--Samuel A. Parker, Elias D. Beede,
Francis Stanhope,
Robert Seatle,
William S.
Vose, Daniel T. Swinburne,
William Swan jr., Henry M. Brownell
City Bell Ringers--Philip Sherman, William D. Boss
City Watchmen--John M. Carr, Capt.; John H. Watson,
James C. Easton,
James Clarke, Joseph
P. Babcock, John
Easton, Samuel J. Marsh, William B. Wilson
Constables--Charles Cozzens, Henry Taggart,
Sylvester R. Hazard,
William G. Carpenter,
Robert Seatle, John
M. Carr
Corders of Wood--Joseph F. Havens, Royal West,
Nathaniel Nason,
Truman B. Spooner,
Oliver Peckham, Philip Dring,
Joseph T. Card,
John Oman, Samuel Oman
Field Driver--Wm. G. Carpenter
Fence Viewers--Joseph Anthony, Joseph P. Aylsworth
Gaugers of Casks, &c.--John S. Langley,
James Henderson,
Wm. H. Ailman, Nathaniel H. Langley
Measurers of Grain, Salt, Shorts and Sea Coal per Statute,
457--Joseph P. Aylsworth
Packers of Fish--Nathaniel H. Langley, William H.
Ailman, Joseph
P. Aylsworth
Sealer of Weights and Measures--James B. Aylsworth
Superintendent to Place Stoves and Stove Pipes as
per Statute--James
B. Brown
Surveyors of Joiners’ Lumber--Stephen M. Stedman,
George Hazard
Surveyor of Wood Pit and Charcoal--Joseph P.
Touro Park--Joseph B. Weaver
Mall Washington Square--Philip Caswell jr.
Liberty Square--Benjamin H., Stevens
Equality Square--William P. Congdon
Surveyors of Land--Charles E. Hammett jr., Samuel
Harbor Master--Anthony Stewart
Overseer for Sale of Sand at Easton’s Beach-- ----
Overseer of Sand And Gravel at Fort Woolcot--Street
Keeper of Powder House--Thomas J. Lake
Surveyor of Round Timber and Spars--George B. Hazard
In Charge of the clock at State House--Ira Stillman
Pound Keeper--William Kaull
Overseer of Small Pox--Alexander G. Swazey
Beach Constable--Peleg Coggeshall
Rev. A. Henry Dumont, D.D. Chairman; Augustus Bush, Secretary; David M. Coggeshall, Treasurer; Rev. Charles T. Brooks, Henry E. Turner, Duncan C. Pell, George W. Greene, Samuel C. Bailey, Clarke Burdick, Samuel Engs, Philip Canwell, jr., Henry C. Stevens.
Boys, Mill Street, Z. Allen Cook, Teacher Farewell Street,
Henry W.
Clark, do
Girls, Farewell Street, Emily Newton, Principal Elizabeth Mumford,
and Amelia Barker, Assistants
Girls, Church Street, Mary R. Dennis, Teacher Colored, Hannah Gavett,
Album of all scans in three sizes for searching and saving
First Page of 1856 Directory