80 Photographic Views of Fall River Line

East and North Rivers, Long Island Sound, and Newport, 1907

Title Page. Steamer Pricilla Pricilla Purser's Office
Quarter Deck or Smoking Room Main Stairway, Grand Saloon Grand Saloon from Stairway
Pricilla Grand Saloon Forward Saloon, Corridor Stairway; Panel on Quarter-deck
Pilot House; Engine Room Pricilla Dining Room Steamer Puritan
Quarter Deck or Smoking Room Puritan Purser's Office Grand Saloon from Stairway
Puritan Grand Saloon Grand Saloon Grand Saloon
Grand Saloon from Stairway Puritan Grand Saloon views Bulkhead; Newell Post
Puritan Dining Room Liner Commonwealth Steamer Providence
Providence Grand Stairway Providence Corridor Panels on Steamer Providence
Providence Panel, lights Steamer Pilgrim Steamer Puritan; Fall River
Boat-Train Fall River to Boston New York; Ellis Island, etc. New York Battery Park
New East River Bridge Governors Island, Narrows New York Brooklyn Bridge
East River, Brooklyn Bridge East River Shipping District Islands; Sugar Refinery
New York with Building ID's New York Landing Pricilla leaving New York
Brooklyn Navy Yard Newport Training School Newport Harbor views
Wharves at Newport Long Island Sound views North River
Marine Line, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R.  

Steamer Plymouth Burns at Newport, March 1906

Above is a postcard that would have been printed shortly before the fire. The design is similar to the other steamers.

At the right is an article from the New York Times archives. Click the image to see the whole article.
Two views of the burned steamer at the dock in Newport.

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